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Kalinka Chens-Scenar 01 for Home Sport Therapy User Manual and Product Specification

Chens-Scenar can help you reduce pain anywhere, whether in cars, trains, airplanes, or when you perform official travel. According Kalinka Chens-Scenar user manual, the device forms of bipolar impulses (without a constant Constituent) controlled by the body's response to influence, expressed in changing electroskin impedance.

This Kalinka Chens-Scenar 01 for Home Sport Therapy User manual was developed in collaboration with:
Doctor A.N. Revenko - founder of SCENAR technology, and director of RITM OKB ZAO, Ekaterinburg;
Doctor of Medicine A.V. Tarakanov - Deputy Director of Clinical Research, RITM OKB ZAO, Rostov-on-Don;
DoctorB.P.Kulijsky - Treatment Protocols, RITM OKB ZAO, Novocherkassk;
Y.Z. Grinberg - Director General, RITM OKB ZAO, Taganrog.

Product Specification Kalinka Chens-Scenar 01 for Home Sport Therapy
  • frequency - 14, 60, 90, 320 Hz;
  • "frequency modulation" - 30...120 Hz;
  • amplitude modulation - 3:1;
  • dosed mode - for any modes and their possible combinations.
If you are looking for Kalinka Chens-Scenar 01 for Home Sport Therapy User Manual,please download it from their official website that the link is below.

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